Producers & Venue Managers Get Discreet Seat Fillers


Thank you to all our members who write in, it is so nice to hear from you. Here are some of the things members have said about The Audience Club.

Thanks to all of you for an amazing club that's transformed my and my boyfriend's social life in London. We saw so many great things thanks to AC. 

Wonderful. Thank you so much as always. You have no idea how much you have enriched my life since I joined 

I was looking at the ladder today and realised (again!) what a wonderful service you provide. 

 So if I haven't said it recently, thank you so much. This club enriches my life and provides me with opportunities I wouldn't be able to have otherwise. If I ever have a query, the team always sorts it out in such a friendly manner.

Again, thank you, thank you, thank you for all your hard work.

I wish to offer my very sincere thanks to everyone at the Audience Club as the opportunity to attend some simply amazing theatre in all sorts of venues, both big and small, has literally saved me during some difficult times.

I have some fabulous memories and have seen performances that I would never have been able to see otherwise.

Many thanks also for the service you are providing, me and my little ones love theatre and we have had the opportunity to see many amazing shows

And a big THANK-YOU to you and the team for such an amazing service!! We are grateful for all you do!! 

Your hard work makes our London experience so much more enjoyable!!

The club has been on of my fave things since retirement.

This is the one club I have enjoyed being a member of over the years. My son is now studying English at Oxford and helped devise and put on a play in the studio of The Oxford Playhouse last term. I am certain this is all a result of taking him to numerous plays, talks and shows we discovered with The Audience Club while he was growing up.

I would like to thank you for the entertainment opportunities; because of you, I am able to afford the theatre shows, concerts and other amazing events, which definitely improve and positively impact my wellbeing and mental health. 

I wouldn't have been able to take my sons to the theatre without your club, and now, as young adults, they are passionate about theatre and live shows. Throughout school, teachers would tell me how this influence had shown and how much it had affected their work in a positive manner. So, I just wanted to tell you how grateful my family is for what you do. Culture is so important to all, but especially to growing minds - without endeavours like yours, many of us wouldn't be able to experience the wonders of live storytelling. A resounding thank you from us!

The Audience Club has been absolutely amazing and irreplaceable part of my life here in London and I want to take my time to thank you for all your hard work and for making this happen. 

What a wonderful weekend of entertainment I have had. Thank you so much for all you do. I’m so very grateful to be a member.

Just wanted to say how much I love being a member and wanted to thank everyone involved in making it the way it is. Please keep up the amazing work 

We have had wonderful experiences of concerts from Mahler in the Albert Hall, Sibelius at the Festival Hall to numerous choral works in churches scattered round central London that we never knew existed.  We have derived considerable pleasure from them all - it has been a privilege to have been able to attend them, thanks to you.  

Thanks for what you all do at AC. It’s a privilege to be a member.

Just wanted to say a big thank you for running the AC so well and making the shows available to us - we have enjoyed such a wide variety of great shows and events from an equally wide variety of venues, it's been really fun. As proud Londoners we thought we knew our city - but the AC directs us to the nooks and crannies of London's more offbeat venues, so we get a bonus city tour thrown in. So lovely to see jazz in Soho last night, really felt like the entertainment sector has awakened from its lockdown-slumber.

A big thanks again and please keep up the great work.

What you do is truly wonderful. If nothing else (and, you do far far more) being a member of the club helps me keep abreast with ‘what’s happening’. Beyond that, you have enabled me to experience some absolutely fabulous things (music, film, dance and theatre) well beyond events that I might have found for myself. I am grateful for your efforts. 

What a cracker of a ballet - thank you so so much for the opportunity to see it for myself.  What a treat and a joy.

Thank you for being there, you’ve made this year easier to bear.  Thanks for all the lovely concerts and shows on offer and for all the work you put in. Wishing you all the very best for the New Year, and a restful, peaceful Christmas. We will raise a glass to your health

We love all of you that run this wonderful club as well, had so many happy times and introduced so many happy friends and family. Almost in tears of joy at such a sentiment. 

Just a note to say a massive THANK YOU  to you all for the fantastic job you do and the marvellous experiences that I have enjoyed over the past two years with the club.

I cannot express my gratitude for the amount of please AC has channeled me towards since I retired, some eight years ago.


The team at Audience Club are the most helpful people I have come across when booking entertainment tickets.

I’ve been an AC member for several years and love the opportunity to go at short notice to a London performance. My husband and I are now almost fully retired and this means we can see lots of things we would feel we couldn’t afford. Will be keeping a look out for matinees!

As a cautious and elderly member I have been emerging to resume a little theatre going, having now indulged in four concerts and a play. I am starting to relish again the good value and opportunities offered by the club and am encouraged by my experiences to explore further - thank you so much for your services.

On various occasions I have met people involved in theatre management who know Angela and they are unstinting in their praise for the enthusiasm and support displayed. No doubt the rest of the team are equally deserving.

I’m very pleased that classical music seems to be opening up again.

Many thanks for all the wonderful opportunities which Audience Club has provided for me over the past years and I look forward to going to more concerts again.

Thank you so much for all your work at the Audience Club and the opportunities you provide for us members to enjoy wonderful music, theatre etc.  

Just wanted to thank you for the work you guys do.  Seeing what’s on offer always brightens my day. 


I just wanted to take the time out to say a HUGE thank you, to you all. Ive just had the nicest day today in London. The weather was glorious and thanks to you I saw Romeo and Juliet at the Globe which was outstanding and had me in tears, It was so moving, and then off to the Soho Theatre to watch Anuvab Pal: Democracy and Disco dancing set, which had me crying with laughter.  A perfect day. 

May take this opportunity to thank you for a wonderful year of offerings - I so appreciate what you guys provide and I love the way we can support productions and spread the word to encourage others to attend. Your wonderful service has enabled me to see productions, enjoy unusual events and attend talks that I would have otherwise probably missed.

I am sure you have been overwhelmed with messages of support with current world wide events.  I want you to know how much seeing shows through the AC has helped me personally in more ways than one over the years. I feel I don't need to elaborate but I'm sure you understand. I want to say thank you to yourselves and the venues for introducing me to shows I otherwise may not have heard about and for providing such invaluable entertainment and experiences for me personally. I will without doubt be renewing my AC membership


I would also like to thank all of you for all the work you've already done (and will in the near future) to help enrich our lives. From my own point of view,many theatre visits I've been able to make has helped so much through some periods of depression, enabling and forcing me to get out and engage with people and the world. I can't overstate how important you've been to me. Thank You So Much

Covid 19 Response - Many thanks, you wonderful team..Your messages and responsiveness have been second to none. Thank you for all you’re doing in these challenging times. 

Angela and the AC team, In light of the SARS-Cov-2/Covid-19 Situation, I just wanted to echo many of the messages you’ve had. I’ve been able to access the theatre in ways which haven’t been possible before. Many wonderful memories. Thank you so much for that. Always appreciated the friendly service. 

Hello all at the audience club,  I think I’ve been a member for maybe 3 years now and it’s one of the best things I’ve ever done signing up with you.  I’ve had a horrible few years divorce after 23 years of marriage, with 4 children who I now support alone. I started a new job and moved house which needs untold work doing on truly limited budget. It’s been a stressful period.  But the thing that’s kept me afloat is knowing one evening a week I can go out to a show, forget my reality and see some of the best most creative shows in London. I have been to many productions I would never have known about, been exposed to or been able to afford.  Without being overly sentimental the audience club has made such a difference to my life.

I also wanted to take the time, to say a huge thank you to you all,  for allowing me to be a member. It's made such a difference to how I live and my enjoyment of life. I've always enjoyed going to the theatre and concerts etc, but being a member has allowed me to see productions that i wouldn't of been able to take the chance on otherwise.

The work that you are doing has a massive ripple effect, making the present better for many, inspiring young talented minds that otherwise could not afford these shows, for the future. The extra tickets I book, both directly or via email, are usually for my much younger friends, I cannot tell you the effect these shows are having on them, the fantastic conversations that always follow. Thank you. From the bottom of my heart.

To Angela, Jazz, Colin, Peter & John,  Thank you for the countless opportunities and incredible hard work you do in making so many shows and different experiences available to your membership – daily and sometimes hourly throughout the year!  It truly is appreciated and it really is a privilege to be a member of The Audience Club.

I just wanted to write to say what a wonderful concert I went to last night.  Both my companion and I felt that we had heard something very special and feel sure that this young man deserves to have a glittering career. Without Audience Club I would not have been aware of the concert or the venue, so thank you!!

We would be absolutely lost without the Audience Club!

Angela - many thanks & much appreciated! Always so impressed with the speed of response from you guys!

I have been able to take my sons to many different shows and events over the last 3 years and am amazed by the variety of what I have attended- magic shows, west end theatre and even winter ice skating in the park!  I have recommended your club to teacher friends, who also love theatre and all have been given a big thumbs up.  So this is a huge thank you for the service that you provide- affordable access to theatre and the arts!

Looking at my past bookings, I can’t believe the quality and shear variety of the events that your club has enabled me and my partner to attend over the last few years. I just wanted to take the time to send a quick note to express my appreciation for everything you do.  I feel very privileged to be a member of Audience Club. The club is the key to making the most of the vast cultural opportunities that London has to offer. We have been able to experience plays, music, comedy and films that we would have missed out on without the Club.

Thank you, thank you, thank you Audience Club for getting me out to different parts of London and interesting events and for running the club so efficiently. It is also good to write up a critique as it makes you think and evaluate what you have seen and, as you say, feed it back to those who put it on. There seems to be ever more interesting venues and events. Please keep it up - it has changed my life and there is now no need to stay home in the afternoon/evening and you notify us of events we would probably never hear of at the same time motivating us to go to parts of London we never knew existed. In addition the administration fee is certainly not breaking the bank. 

I've been a member of the Audience Club for just a couple of weeks and I just wanted to get in touch and say that it's wonderful to be a part of it.  I've already attended 2 productions and really enjoyed them. It's really opened my eyes to how much is going on in places that I hadn't previously heard of or visited before.

Dear Audience Club, I went to see 'Wife' last night in Barnes and it was absolutely brilliant! One of the best shows I've seen in a long time. I wouldn't have even known that it was on if it wasn't for The AC, so thank you so much for drawing it to my attention. I love that you have such a range of plays/shows on your listings, which means that each week there is something different to see.

I just want to say thank YOU for my AC membership. Last night’s concert was one of those ‘worth a decade of membership’ evenings. There is (aren’t we lucky) so much going on in this amazing city, every day, that it is easy to miss noticing all the gems. And this was absolutely a gem of the highest order

The Audience Club never ceases to amaze my with its excellent shows and support for all genres of entertainment. The AC has brought joy, laughter, fun and a whole range of emotions with the epic performances and talents of the various casts and their tales.  I'm also grateful for the great customer service from all staff who always go above and beyond their call of duty to assist us.  Thanks to Angela, Jazz and John to name but a few.  Thanks for all your hard work and continuing to treat us members to these musical and theatrical delights.I feel honoured and privileged to be a member.  The work you do is very much appreciated.

I am impressed with how well run your club is.

Just wanted to thank you for all the superlative productions we've had access to this year.  Last night I had the privilege of taking my visitor from Brazil to the production at the Coliseum. We had such a memorable evening.  This is just the most recent production I've had the pleasure of attending. It has been exciting and stimulating to become acquainted with so many new venues and events in our beautiful city.  I adore the theatre but have also enjoyed a number of the talks and walks in this past couple of years.  I really can't express in strong enough terms how much fun it is to be a member of your very special club.

Just wanted to say that we returned to London after 39 years and I followed a recommendation to join your wonderful club. After barely three months' membership it's amazing to discover new venues, get a quick view of what's available and attend such a variety of performances/events. Congratulations on a great idea put into action with such good effect.

Hello, lovely AC folks, I just wanted to say how much we enjoyed the Treasure Hunt on Sunday last (and not just because I was on the winning team!).  The whole afternoon was brilliant and really well organised. The treasure hunt itself was challenging and great fun. Hazel did a great job.  Was lovely to meet and chat with you a bit. 

Evening Angela and AC family,  I just wanted to email and thank you for offering up the tickets I took use of today for 'Les Blancs / The Whites' at The National today.  As an actor myself, the shows you provide access to have an incredible impact on my ever growing thirst to carry on striving to be on the stages I watch these fantastic shows on. This fuels me to carry on and wait for my 'time' whilst seeing some world class theatre.  I'd love Angela to know how much The Audience Club has shaped me as a performer and how much I value the work everyone at The AC Headquarters puts in. You provide a service for those that are besotted with live art, but struggle to keep up with some of the extortionate prices venues demand.

I just wanted to thank you, and your team, for the wonderful array of entertainment you offer. Recently I have been on some wonderful walks, attended some great plays, and a notable concert of Handel’s Messiah. I have a talk and a play about the Easter Rising of 1916 to look forward to later in the month. If it is true, as Dr. Johnson said, that he who is tired of London is tired of life, it is equally true that anyone not finding something to their taste in your eclectic listing, must have a very jaded palette indeed!  All this and an easy to follow site, containing all the information you need.

Audience Club has opened up the door to so many cultural experiences that I simply could not ordinarily afford to attend. I feel that sometimes we don’t take enough time to give positive feedback, so want you to know you make a real positive difference to the life of my family. We always have something on the horizon to look forward to, and I enjoy the anticipation of logging on to check the ladder and seeking out something new. I really appreciate what you do.

Just wanted to say thank you so much for some wonderful theatre over the holidays. I had the good fortune to be able to see three productions at the National, and to take along friends who were in London for New Year to one of the shows. Best seats, they were very impressed!  I really appreciate how AC makes it possible for me to visit the theatre regularly, I'm now retired but I can still go to the theatre as often as I did when I was working, and AC encourages me to try new things. Here's to another great year of theatre-going, with thanks to all the AC staff, who are always so friendly and helpful.

Hi Angela, I just wanted to say an enormous thank you for arranging the extra tickets to see Lord of the Dance for us last night. I have two daughters that both dance so to be sitting in the first row and able to watch intricate footwork first hand was an absolute dream for them. The show was brilliant and we feel very lucky to have had the opportunity to see it.

Dear Angela, Colin, Jazz & John,
I’m looking back over my bookings this past year and whilst they reached double figures I know they could easily have reached triple figures with all the many wonderful shows you make available to your members.
I can only imagine how hard and tirelessly you work each day and sure for Angela it must well exceed hours within the parameters of the working day in providing so many varied and wonderful opportunities to experience what cultural London has endlessly to offer.
Your hard work has enriched 2015 for me and I look forward to 2016 and seeing what is on that ladder daily and belonging to one of the best clubs in London!
Warmest good wishes to you all as you prepare to celebrate this season and for New Year 2016 for good health, prosperity and friendship.
With my thanks once again,

Dear Audience Club.
I am just writing to let you know that I shall be moving out of London this week so unfortunately will not be renewing my membership on expiry. I would like to thank you for the wonderful opportunities your club has enabled me to experience during my time in London, allowing me to take full advantage of the music and theatre venues available. I have had to pinch myself on many occasions whilst enjoying my premium seat at the Coliseum and Wigmore Hall.
Many, many thanks. I have thoroughly enjoyed my membership, as you can see from my record of bookings. I shall miss it terribly, but am looking forward to a new adventure in Norfolk.
Best wishes for a very happy Christmas,


I noticed that last night was my 100th AC booking since we joined in July 2012, and I would like to take this opportunity of expressing my thanks for all the hard work that goes into running the Club, and to say how much we enjoy the multifold opportunities the Club provides.


Thanks for the heads up yesterday about upper circle allocation for Dr. Foote's Other LEg...

I got your emails late as I was in IN THE HEIGHTS with my 9 year old niece (which we LOVED by the way), and decided that since I had already invited 3 people to Dr. Foote I couldn't cancel.

I warned my friends that I would probably have to do standing room downstairs and join them at intermission and I explained the reasons why.

I got to the theatre extra early, and found we had been allocated stall seats in row F (,7,8,9,10) right in the centre (possibly the very best seats in the house!), so we all sat together.

It is a spectacularly good play, Simon Russell Beale is beyond compare.

Brilliant show and brilliant evening!

Thank you AUDIENCE CLUB!!!

A big thank you to all the team at the AC for always bringing us such an amazingly great selection of shows.

I know I speak for more than just myself when I say how much we appreciate and value the AC
(...and abide by its rules!!)

Thank you!

Dear Angela

Thanks anyway. This also gives me an opportunity to thank you again for AC's transformation of our lives. We've seen and are continuing to see wonderful shows, operas and concerts as though AC had been created just for us.

With our very best wishes,

I think one of our past youth theatre members signed up to Audience Club fairly recently - he's come through such a journey and is a brilliant person and is pursuing acting so we recommended Audience Club to him as a way to see more theatre and discover more of the industry. It's a brilliant opportunity for him as he wouldn't be able to otherwise so I thought I'd let you know how it's helping!

Thank you and hope you're well!

All the best,

I thought you might like to learn of a happy story relating to audience club. 

In June you had tickets for a rehearsed reading of a new play, Cosima, at RADA.

I went to it and, as it was a reading, the writer, Robert Mansell, invited comments afterwards. I emailed him some detailed comments and it has blossomed from there so that now we have worked together quite a bit on the play, with me acting as a script editor and advisor.

It is nice when things like that happen and it is all down to audience club so I thought you might like to know.

Best wishes, 


Thanks very much for making the booking for me Jazz. l can't tell u what an amazing bonus joining the Audience Club is making to my life. For year's l've had to miss out on so much culture due to lack of funds and over-priced ticket prices. l am an Artist and need to see as much of what others are doing as possible, and across the boards, which is what the AC provides me with now. So "hats off!" You are greatly appreciated.



Thank you again for the unique opportunity of attending shows since July 2015 and I feel extremely privileged and fortunate every time I see a performance.

You and your team does an incredible job day-to-day and wanted to express my huge gratitude of being part of the AC.

Warm regards to you all and have a good rest of the week.


Dear AC...just wanted to thank you all for a wonderful year with AC...I have renewed my membership and am very grateful for all the professionalism and great is very appreciated...wishing you all a well earned rest this summer and good health to all!...many thanks ..Howard August 2015

I feel so grateful to be able to see so many wonderful plays, shows and music. I am a retired teacher and would never be able to do so without your great club. Thank you very much.

yours sincerely


Good morning Angela & Team,

Just to say, your new website looks great and the navigation around it is quick, easy and very clear.

Well done to your designer and those who gave input to make it so impressive and easy to use!

Kind regards and as always my thanks,

Dear AC,

Just dropping you a line to say how much I like the new format so well done with that.
Also I recently saw my 100th play with the AC and just thought I'd take this opportunity to say a big thanks for this wonderful club and the efficiency by which it is run. I have seen plays and been to fringe venues all over London which I would not normally go to and it has really enhanced my thankyou once again and keep up the good work.
kind regards,


You do a fantastic job, running this club, giving opportunities for us to see shows at such a little cost. We should show more thanks and not moan. I'm sure you do not get the appreciation you deserve for all your hard work.

Thank you very much

Best wishes   Susan

I just wanted to say thank you so much for running Audience Club.

I joined just under a year ago and I've already had so much fun trying
out new things (and going to occasional blockbusters too).

It can't be easy dealing with all the changes and enquiries we members
must send you, so I wanted to write and say I really appreciate what a
brilliant club you've created for us all.

Hope it keeps on prospering for a long time to come.

I'd like to take the opportunity to say how much I appreciate the Audience Club generally. It's not just about seeing something for free, nice though that is, but also taking yourselves to places you wouldn't otherwise go to, or haven't even heard of. We've been to some amazing shows and venues in London. And I can see now how it can benefit the venue too: after seeing City of Angels at Stratford Circus last week (we'll definitely go back to a Trinity Laban show! It was fantastic!) we found something of interest in their upcoming programme and booked four tickets.

Long may the Audience Club continue; it's one of London's best-kept secrets. Thank you to you and your staff for all the work you put in to give us such great opportunities.

Can I just say that the customer service you guys provide
is mind blowing.  My emails (during office hours) are always responded
to immediately and I've never arrived at a venue where they didn't have my details.
If only the cable, utilities, banks etc could offer just 1% of the
service you guys do, that would be a result.

Dear Audience Club

I have just finished my first year's membership (apologies for renewing at the last minute I hoped to get to 12 visits but didn't quite make it), and I wanted to let you know how much I have enjoyed and appreciated it.

I have had the opportunity to see shows, and go to venues that I would not have been able to afford to go to, and to try things (like cabaret ) that I would never have tried before. I try to take different friends along with me, one work friend had never been to the theater before she came with me, she loved the experience and has come to cabaret with me too.

So thank you Audience Club for a great year, and for the continued chance to see shows next year.

I do not want to sound sycophantic but I really do feel privileged to be a member of your club and think the work you do for us "members" is a triumph and also the work and money you give to Charity ......... thank you again. I am off to The Thrill of Love " tonight thank you

Audience club is an absolute delight and a privilege. I have been to a lot of wonderful shows.

Just wanted to quickly drop you a note to let you know how my husband and I are really really enjoying the membership with The Audience Club.
We feel so very privileged in getting the opportunities to see these great shows. We’ve seen comedies, symphonies, the theatre, circus acts - you name it!
You definitely have enriched our lives in the capital by providing this service. From the bottom of our hearts – thank you, thank you, thank you!

I have recently renewed my membership and just wanted to thank you for the service you provide. I have seen many interesting shows ranging from drama and comedy to opera and ballet at a variety of venues. I would not have known about many of these let alone get the chance to actually attend them. It has also motivated me to visit some of the venues again.

There must be a lot of work involved in constantly updating the website which is so informative and easy to use.

Angela and team,
We have never met but I wanted to get in touch to say how much I am enjoying my membership of The Audience Club. I have been to so many shows I would never have known about if it hadn't been for The Audience Club. I have been back to a number of the venues and I am also recommending them to others; I think you and your team do a brilliant job!

The Audience Club has made such a difference to my life. As a pensioner who lives for the Arts in general, I have such a wonderful time exploring the great variety of venues available on your site. The clear, efficient system is exemplary and I constantly recommend it to my friends, many of whom have joined too. I enjoy supporting new theatre productions and young casts, to say nothing of blissful evenings at concerts and comedy.

Can I say how much I am enjoying all these weird and wonderful shows that one would never know about otherwise - AND I think your website works extremely well! Great Everything.

Totally amazing offers
Honed to perfection
Equal to none is our
Angela's collection.
Under the baton of one
Dedicated to finding the best
In venues throughout London's West
No-one comes near
Coz there just is no peer
Eclectic, electric, both far and near
Clubbing or pubbing
Little gems will appear
Unlimited offers, the best of the rest
But please to remember, not a word must be heard of these offers we all hold so dear

Just a quick note of thanks and some positive feedback from a happy punter. I thought I'd drop you a line to say thanks for your wonderful site. It's easy to overlook the fact that behind many a website there's a passionate person running it from their kitchen table! I joined just over a year ago and have notched up 25 shows of a wide variety.

 You've really opened me up to theatrical experiences I normally would never have chanced upon and given me a real thirst for more.

 We all like a little warm, fuzzy stroke of appreciation, so I hope this feedback puts a smile on your face.

I really appreciate the variety and quality of the shows I've seen through the Audience Club and think it is a wonderful organised and efficient operation.

Congratulations on your fourth Birthday. What good work you are doing. I have been blessed by you and no doubt many others too. You make many people happy.

Many congratulations on your anniversary, Angela. Your idea was one of genius. Everyone benefits. I will always be extremely grateful that your idea has been so successful and that your club is so very well run.

Many congratulations on your anniversary, you do a great job and I am really happy to be a member.

I have to say, I’ve encouraged friends to join your club for 14 months I’ve been a member. It has inspired me to see people perform on stage. Now I started performing too. Watching different shows gave me the courage and inspiration to follow my dreams.

Just say congratulations and many thanks for the amazing service you provide.

It's great to have so many opportunities to enjoy theatre and Opera! All the best for the future.

Congratulations The Audience Club on your 4th birthday! May you have many more. Our lives have been massively enriched since we discovered you one year ago.

Congratulations on your 4 year celebration...thank you again for everything - wish I had found out earlier about the audience club...thank you for all the amazing opportunities I have had all the very best for the future.

Has given me so much enjoyment.

Many happy returns to The Audience Club, it's enabled me to see many things I could never normally afford to, particularly Opera & Ballet which are generally out of reach for me., to take advantage of your hard work. Thank you.

Congratulations Audience Club! We so enjoy you.

Congratulations to the Audience Club on celebrating 4 years! This is my second year as a member and I have enjoyed every event attended and would like to thank you all for the kindness and support that you have afforded me since I joined. With all good wishes for a further 4 years and beyond!!

The Audience Club has enabled me to see so much more theatre, music and opera than I would otherwise have done and you yourself have always been so charming and friendly on the I appreciate all the hard work you must have put in to make the Club such a success and send you my very best wishes.

Ange, you are a star! Many, many thanks. Also, just to add my congratulations on the 4th anniversary of the club. I've been a member for 2 of those years and am deeply appreciative. Not only for the staggering selection of shows you constantly offer us but equally for the excellent and friendly service you always provide. I'm sincerely grateful.

I just renewed my membership for another year after being an Audience Club member for 1 year. I want to Thank you for the amazing deals and offers you gave me in the past 12 months and let you know how much I appreciate the great plays, musicals, concerts and shows I've seen thanks to you. You are doing a great job at sourcing wonderful shows for your members and looking forward to another year of fun with Audience Club.

Many congratulations to you and all at The Audience Club! I am so pleased that the Club has become such a success for you - and consequently for all its members.

Just wanted to say congratulations and a very happy birthday to the Club! Thank you for all the pleasure you've given over the last year or so!
Happy 7th Birthday and many many thanks for the wonderful shows and productions we are given to see, thanks to your efforts.

Thank you for this wonderful service. My friends and I love it.. Its good to be able to go to cultural places almost for free.

Congratulations a great idea well run

Many thanks for all you do for the Audience Club members and all your efforts, very much appreciated, also for letting us know as you do, and for allowing us to see so many WONDERFUL productions !

I just wanted to say thank you so very much for enabling me, and my husband, to really explore the boundaries of what shows are out and about in the London area. My horizons have been expanded since joining The Audience Club. Mr Jones is a great sport (literally) and has been totally up for coming out with me to see whatever is on offer. Without this membership we'd most likely be found at home watching Sky Sports!!!

A quick note to say a huge thank you for everything that you guys do.
You all bring so much pleasure to so many of us, you have created many opportunities for me and my family to experience theatre that they would otherwise not have been able to see.

I have recently received my membership pack and I just wanted to express how delighted I have been so far with The Audience Club. It is a really great initiative and seems to be very well run and efficient - thank you!

Thank you once more for the amazing work, the amazing site and the amazing opportunities you've given to some amazed people!

The Audience Club, must be the coolest club to belong to. Thanks for fabulous nights.

The Audience Club has allowed me in the short time I've been a member to see not only some superb shows but also allowed me to enjoy many beautiful and diverse venues that I'm sure wouldn't have otherwise been possible.

Although I still book ahead for the shows I really want to see, The Audience Club provides me with an instant fix of shows on a day-to-day basis.

I have two children and before I joined The Audience Club I could only afford to take them to the theatre twice a year, now we can go all the time without worrying about the budget.

I never knew so many great Fringe venues existed before I joined The Audience Club and I can afford to treat my mates.

Most of the shows I have seen have been terrific and I feel that I am supporting London's theatre by buying a programme and a drink at the bar as well as enjoying a brand new show.

I think that The Audience Club site is great it's a wonderful opportunity to see a really wide range of plays for an excellent price. It's definitely motivated me to go to more performances, at venues I hadn't previously considered!

We have absolutely loved being members of The Audience Club and we've seen some brilliant shows through it - things we definitely wouldn't have even know existed let alone gone to see otherwise!

FSB Member